Post-Divorce Mediation Services

After the divorce is completed and finalized, life often presents new unexpected situations to navigate. Living conditions and financial situations change and new circumstances may necessitate a request for modification of the original agreement.

Almost any part of a divorce settlement can be modified for any number of reasons, including:

  • Significant financial/economic changes affecting one party, including but not limited to job loss, relocation, retirement, and other circumstances; particularly when the lifestyles and well-being of children are affected.
  • Altered living conditions of one of the parties which may affect prior financial settlements, including but not limited to property agreements, co-habitation, remarriage, or another major life event that challenges the validity of prior agreements. 

Through mediation, these situations can be assessed, re-evaluated and discussed; and an updated agreement reflecting the current circumstances can be collaboratively created in the same spirit of compassion and respect.

Co-parenting concerns

Post Divorce Mediation SessionMediation is highly effective for resolving post-divorce parenting issues that are common as children grow older and parents reestablish their lives. The willingness of each parent to encourage a close and consistent parent-child connection with both parents and their families minimizes post-divorce anxiety in children; but often it is very challenging for the adults. 

Even the most focused and conscientious parents are experiencing their own personal and emotional adjustment, frequently including residual pain, anger and fear that may be buried or not fully acknowledged, or perhaps one parent is in another committed relationship and the other parent feels somehow “threatened” by this new figure in their children’s lives – this is not at all uncommon. 

Mediation can help parents identify the origins of the conflict, share their perspectives, and discuss strategies that will alleviate the tension and   improve communication between the parents.  Perhaps new boundaries will need to be drawn or custody schedules revised, parents who collaborate respectfully are more successful and flexible because their sole agenda is the well-being of the children, not a latent personal conflict with their former partner. 

For parents struggling to establish a healthy post-divorce relationship mediation is very effective, offering a neutral judgement-free space for us to discuss your concerns.

We sincerely hope that this is a service that you will never need, but should you feel that the tension is rising, please consider carefully the emotional health of yourselves, and most urgently, the children who look to you for reassurance, guidance, and hope for a joyful future.

Contact Us To Learn More

If you or your former spouse have experienced significant changes to your financial condition or living situation, you may benefit from post-divorce mediation services. At Matrimonial Mediation Service of Buffalo, you can speak directly with our experienced attorney mediators about how this approach can modify your pre-existing divorce settlement. Please contact our office for professional advice on the next steps to take.