Going through a divorce is one of the most difficult things for a person to experience. This complex decision encompasses an extensive process that can be mentally and emotionally draining. Additionally, with a public hearing potentially included, there is the added element of unwanted publicity. Truly there are many stressful elements in considering divorce, which is why many couples have consulted a divorce mediation attorney to settle their differences.

What Is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce Mediation in Hamburg NYThrough divorce mediation, a third-party mediator leads several sessions to discuss the main issues behind the divorce. A major difference between traditional divorce and the process of divorce mediation is that there is more privacy compared with a public court appearance. Throughout your mediation sessions, there are opportunities for representation for both sides to discuss matters without being overshadowed. Lastly, with fewer parties involved in typical divorce mediation, the fees are also lower.

The Benefits Of Mediation:

  • Confidentiality: Compared to court hearings, mediation is done privately, without as much publicity
  • Control: In a court, judges weigh the final ruling, while mediation happens separate from the court.
  • Minimal Conflict: A divorce mediator strives for a resolution and not just completing a divorce filing.
  • Significant Savings: Mediation usually costs considerably less than a litigated divorce.
  • Resolution: By encouraging cooperation over competition, mediation brings about resolution as a result. 

It may seem out of reach, but through mediation there can be resolution for a couple. At Matrimonial Mediation, we protect your privacy and your well-being as much as possible under our guidance. 

Contact Our Mediator Today!

Nadia N. Shahram of Matrimonial Mediation Services provides professional divorce mediation services for couples around Hamburg. Nadia portrays compassion, sensitivity, and understanding in every session, with a strong focus on bringing healing to individuals and families affected by divorce. To learn more about divorce mediation, please contact us to speak with Nadia today!